Soldiers who serve overseas often find comfort by forming bonds with each other. Others find the courage to continue when they form a unique bond with an animal. When Air Force veteran Kyle Smith deployed, he always counted on his military service dog Bodza to get him through the toughest times.

Kyle Smith
A Loyal Companion
Bodza was a German Shepherd who accompanied Smith on four deployments to Kuwait and Kyrgyzstan. Smith is a specialist in dog training for the Air Force, and Bodza was the first dog he trained.
When Bodza retired after years of brave service, Smith adopted him as a pet. Over the years, their bond grew stronger than ever. They became best friends and staunchly loyal companions.

Kyle Smith
It Was Time to Face a New Fight
Two years later, they faced a new fight together when Bodza was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy, a painful and disabling spinal condition. Smith made the heart-wrenching decision to put Bodza down to end his suffering.

Kyle Smith
At the veterinarian’s office, Smith hugged Bodza and said goodbye as the dog’s life slipped away. At that moment, one of Smith’s colleagues found an American flag to drape over Bodza’s body. The pictures from that scene are deeply moving.

Kyle Smith
A Fitting Tribute to a Fallen Hero
The flag was a fitting way to honor a military dog. It’s certain that Smith will never forget the brave, strong and loyal friend who lived and died a hero.
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I couldn’t watch the video, I already felt your pain. Having lost beloved dogs myself I know too well the angst that cannot be lessened until time passes and even then never completely. Only folks that have been through it feel the ultimate depth of sorrow you felt. I pray for you to press on in life and know someday we might be reunited with our sweet companions. Godspeed my friend, Melissa