Have you ever been so caught up in a movie’s emotional power that you started crying? If you’re embarrassed when this happens, you don’t have to be. Research shows that crying at the movies is a sign of emotional health.
Does Everyone Cry During Movies?
According to one survey, 92% of all people admitted to crying during at least one movie.
The responses included men and women. Men were more likely to cry during movies about war and sports, like Saving Private Ryan and Field of Dreams, while women were more likely to turn the waterworks on for movies like Fried Green Tomatoes, My Girl and Beaches.
Movies can move us deeply. The natural response to being emotionally overwhelmed is to start bawling.
A Good Cry is Good for Us
Now, it turns out that all that bawling is good for us and good for the world.
Neuroscientist and psychologist Paul Zak has done fascinating research on what happens to us physically when we experience strong emotions. After breaking into tears while watching Million Dollar Baby, Zak conducted a study to figure out what happens when we’re emotionally moved by scenes and stories.
His research found that when we cry over a moving story, our bodies release high levels of the bonding hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin makes us kinder, more generous and more compassionate.
“Oxytocin infusion increases prosocial behaviors,” Zak writes. “It’s like turning on a garden hose and watching the water spray out.”
Feelings Matter
If you weep your way through your next movie, you’re probably an empathetic, caring person. You’re not a weakling or a fool. Go ahead and indulge in your favorite melodrama. We’ll all feel a lot better.
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Thank you I always knew there was a good reason why I always cry at a good tearjerker!! Thank you for the awesome info!!
You made my day! I cry alot. And it does get embarrassing! So now I won’t worry. It’s just me!
Is it bad if I cry during Charlie Brown?
So what if I dont cry? What does that say about me?
Crying releases us from our bondage
I used to cry a lot reading books. Is an explanation. that is because u are really focused and involved in what you read or see 🙂
Really? Because if you speak to a real psychologist, someone who actually learned the field and has degrees showing the profession they actually have, instead of just talking to some jack-wad who got an online degree from a 3 hour course and just self-proclaims to be one.
The real, psychologists will tell you that people who cry at movies are actually emotionally weaker than those who don’t.
Nice try, but just because you are pathetically worthless, doesnt mean the rest of us have to be so weak inside and out as you.
I’m no shrink, but getting butthurt by an internet article seems like the work of a far more fragile mind than one crying during a movie.
wow so do not cry so what but why so hostile? just wow this struck a nerve with you
I’ve always used or showed all of my emotions such as crying. I raised my children to never be afraid to show your emotions, all your emotions.
My belief is, GOD gave everyone all of our emotions. So nobody should feel embarrassed or ashamed to feel and to express emotions. All emotions are completely natural! So use all those emotions! Don’t ever feel embarrassed!
Emotions are naturally GOD giving!
I doubt that people who cry while relating to a movie are weaker. Psychiatrists would tell us that people who are not moved to tears, while the majority are, are in fact displaying one of the signs of being a psychopath, as they show no emotion at all. I was taught that it takes a man to cry. It shows that he is a strong man and secure within himself; he’s not afraid of the backlash of anyone pretending to be so macho that they have the fear of being ridiculed for showing real emotion. I disagree that those who show emotions are weaker, they are stronger because they have no fear of being themselves. I happen to know I am an amazingly strong person, and I cry while watching movies. I taught my children it is good to cry because it cleans out our heart.
Right on 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼