Should a terminally ill cancer patient in Missouri have been been subjected to a search of his personal belongings because a hospital employee claimed that the smell of marijuana had emanated from the patient’s room? Furthermore, what rights do terminally ill patients have to relieve pain that they are suffering during their final days.
Viral Facebook Video
The controversy began when Nolan Sousley, a Stage 4 pancreatic cancer patient who recently stopped chemotherapy livestreamed a video on his Facebook Page, Nolan’s Tribe of Warriors Against Cancer. The video showed local police officers in Bolivar, Missouri rifling through his belongings in an attempt to find marijuana. Someone at Citizens Memorial Hospital, where Sousley is being treated, called police to complain that they smelled marijuana coming from his room. The hospital does not allow smoking or vaping on its premises.
On the video, Sousley can be seen telling the police that he doesn’t want them searching his belongings because he did not have any marijuana and that the contents of his bags contained his end-of-life preparations. Sousley also tells the officers that he had recently taken a capsule containing THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the main psychoactive component of marijuana, to manage his pain. A discussion ensues between the legality of medical marijuana and the fact that Sousley doesn’t have much time to live.
The State of Medical Marijuana in Missouri
One of the Bolivar officers indicated that medical marijuana is still illegal, but that is not exactly true. In November 2018, Missouri voters passed Amendment 2, a provision to legalize medical marijuana in the state. That provision went into effect December 6, 2018.
The state of medical marijuana in Missouri is temporarily in legal limbo, however, as state officials are in the process of setting up the procedures for qualifying patients along with dispensaries. Under the law, Sousley would qualify because of his status as a terminal patient.
A woman identified as Sousley’s doctor questioned whether police had the right to search for cannabis. Maybe not. Possession of less than 10 grams of cannabis has been legal in Missouri since 2014.
I can’t believe that in 2019 this man who is going to die be treated like he killed someone. I’m 68 yrs old and I can’t believe what is going on. He’s not smoking it he’s take the oil in a capsule to help his pain. I’m just having a hard time watching the police searching his belongings like he’s committing a crime. I get it that cannibus is illegal but really. I can’t even say how I feel about this. Leave this man alone. I wonder if the police were in this man’s shoes and the only relief is thc in capsules what would they do? I can’t even express how I feel about this story. Who is he hurting. So sad. Stage 4 camcer
Yes,leave this man alone. My gosh stage 4 pancreatic. Do you know how much pain this man suffers? Leave him b. Disliked your treatment of him.
Complete wankers
Cannot believe they would do this inhuman thing disgraceful suppose it was them karma the big man will be waiting for you
No smoking is allowed in a hospital, for many reasons. There is flammable oxygen!!! The patient can discretely use gummies. Problem solved.
The Police Don’t care About any Persons life , if it gets them merits an promotions !! They know this is a Hospital an a Hospis , a facility that when a person is near there death , an ghis Part Of any Hospital!! Is there to make them Comfortable!! ! This is 2019 one step into 2020 where the laws on Medicinal Pot !! This man is on his last leg of life ! An the Doctor should of asked them to leave the room !
Figures some busy body at the hospital would prefer to see this poor man suffer-so typical of those idiots who fail to understand what it is to face pain. Whoever it was probably gets their jollies holding back pain meds also
In my opinion the cops should of asked if you had been smoking marijuana instead of coming straight in and going through your things and plus they should of respected the fact that the one bag was your last hours of life and never should have went through it but cops seems to be bullies anymore. It use to be to protect and serve but they was being a**holes…and I am so sorry that you had to go through such a horrible thing..GOD BLESS YOU and I will be praying for you my friend..
He’s at stage 4 so what’s the big deal. If it helps his pain let him smoke it.
This is the most ignorant police officers! First of all they shouldn’t have been there searching through his things if under certain amount is ” legal”! For gods sake this man has stage 4 pancreatic cancer! My God poor man has the worst form of cancer or there. Should’ve had some respect for the man’s last days! Some people in this world have no hearts or love for humanity anymore.. So sad😪 Goid bless you Nolan! May your last days be painless! Your off to a better place with Jehovah. Man has no say there!
Nolan glad to see your in the fight I thought you we’re in your last days! Just wanted to say cannabis or cannaboids the oils if done right ate saving a lot of cancer patients. I don’t think the government wants people to know cause of big Pharmacy!! That’s FACTS! Keep doing what your doing spread the word! A closed mouth don’t get fed! Happy for you!
Taking THC Capsules Supplements are 100% legal and barely give out any scent of THC.
THC Oils less than 10 grams bottles are legal and 1000‰ more effective than smoking or vaping any THCs. One eye drop of Oil THC on your tongue can last 1 hour and 45 mins.
Are you FNing kidding me? This unfortunate man has Stage 4 Cancer and is going home to live out his final days and these Officers have to get him this upset? Why didn’t that nurse call for his Dr right from the get go? Would have saved a lot of time and stress. Way to go Doc!!
Pain is grossly under treated! No one knows what depths of suffering unless they have experienced it!
My heart goes out to this dear man. I know quite well the agony of unrelenting intense pain. I too am having a similar experience. Death is preferable if you know Jesus Christ.
God bless this man!
I don’t believe cops had right to search. Employees smell is not direct evidence. If they had smelled it maybe. Flame and oxygen do not go together, kaboom! Edible would have been safer. At this point, leave the guy alone. Let’s give the guy some peace and maybe a little pleasure before he meets his maker.
The man is going home if smokin eases the pain I’d say love him alone and the cop should be sued for violating and rights lose his job for being a
Hell no leave this patient 😠 alone, he has cancer you assholes
Cops are pigs that don’t know when to quit. An end-of-life patient need not be bothered by cops over any amount of marijauna. By the time the court case comes up, more than likely the patient will be dead or can’t get into court, so we’ve wasted time and resources.
Where I work some of the workers garments have that smell yet they are not smoking on the premises. Was someone visiting the patient?
I don’t care if he came in there smelling like dog shit wat did was wrong the dint have no right to do what they did I’m sorry that wrong I hope they can sue them…
Someone had to call the cops with a complaint…the nurse could have handled it differently.
disgusting buddy hope you’re ok We have some laws in the UK that make you think people in charge are stupid
This butt hole cop was given a chance to show some compassion and FAILED MISERABLY.Karma is making a Menu. That will be served to you and That Tattle Tail who phone it in. It’s people like you two who clear the shelves of toilet tissue because YOU’RE Full of. It